CoD: Black Ops 6 Season 1 Battle Pass Makes An Unpopular Change

The Season 1 update went live in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone yesterday, bringing plenty of new content and a battle pass packed with cosmetic skins. At first glance, the most notable change is the simplified page layout, but the battle pass also includes one major downgrade from recent years.
COD Warzone & Black Ops 6 – Season 01 Battle Pass Overview Trailer
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Call of Duty’s battle pass keeps the DLC weapons in the free tiers of each pass, but those looking for more cosmetics can pay 1,100 CoD Points ($10) for a standard battle pass or $30 for the extra-premium BlackCell bundle. Call of Duty’s battle pass tiers include tons of fancy cosmetic items, XP tokens, and CoD Points to earn back.
In the past, the standard pass has always felt like a good deal, because you’d invest 1,100 CoD Points to purchase the pass, and if you complete all the tiers, you’d earn a total of 1,400 CoD Points back throughout all the tier rewards. That extra 300 CoD Points (just over $2) could be saved or put towards a shop bundle.
Black Ops 6’s battle pass now only includes 1,100 CoD Points to earn back. While that still leaves you with enough CoD Points to earn back your initial investment, it’s still a bummer to now be rewarded with fewer, and some people might feel less incentivized to buy.
You can find all the highlights of the Season 1 battle pass here. This pass includes the campaign’s Sevati “Sev” Dumas as a playable operator, several weapon blueprints, and even Gobblegums for Zombies.
On a more positive note, any of the double XP tokens you might have left over from last year’s Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone have now been carried over to Black Ops 6. This should make Prestiging and leveling up the new guns feel much faster.
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