Path Of Exile 2: How To Get Into The Village In Trail Of Corruption

During Path of Exile 2 Act 1, you’ll eventually come across a main story quest called “The Trail of Corruption.” This is one of the longer quests in Act 1 and culminates with quite a difficult boss fight. Over the course of the quest, you’ll travel to a few different areas on the map, one of which is simply called “the Village.”
The game doesn’t explain where the Village is or how to find the entrance to it. Luckily, we have a full guide below that shows you everything you need to know about progressing The Trail of Corruption quest in Path of Exile 2.
The Village location in Path of Exile 2
When the game says “the Village” in your quest objectives for The Trail of Corruption, they’re really referring to “Ogham Village.” Ogham Village is a level 13 location in Act 1, and it’s southwest of the Clearfell Encampment on your world map.
The location you need to travel through before reaching Ogham Village is Ogham Farmlands. The farmlands feature what seems like miles and miles of cornfields to navigate through, which only makes finding Ogham Village even more challenging. Ogham Farmlands is one of the largest locations in Act 1, and even though Ogham Village is located west of it on your map, that’s not the direction you want to go.
Instead, you need to make your way north in Ogham Farmlands. This will require going east and west at some points, as the farmlands aren’t a linear location. Below, you can see a map screenshot of exactly where Ogham Village is located within Ogham Farmlands.

It should take you roughly 10-15 minutes to get through all the enemies spread out across Ogham Farmlands if you’re headed north. Of course, there are some optional side bosses located throughout the farmlands as well, so we recommend trying to take those on as well. You can earn valuable rewards from defeating bosses, such as Uncut Skill Gems.
There are also some side quests available in Ogham Farmlands, which you should complete before moving forward to Ogham Village. As we previously mentioned, a tough boss lies at the end of The Trail of Corruption, so earning as much XP and as many rewards as possible will only help your cause.
How to find Luna’s Lost Lute in Path of Exile 2
One piece of side content in Ogham Farmlands is “The Lost Lute” side quest. This quest is for Una, an NPC you meet in the Clearfell Encampment. You can either start the quest from her by engaging in dialogue before you enter Ogham Farmlands or simply find the lute yourself.
Regardless of the route you take, you’ll need to find the lute without any objective marker on your map. You can find the lute inside of a hut in the middle of Ogham Farmlands. From the entrance of the farmlands, head directly north, and you’ll stumble across the large hut. In the map screenshot we shared above, you can see the hut’s location if you look at the very southern part of the map overlay.

Inside the hut, you can open a Lute Box and pick up Luna’s Lost Lute. Bring the item back to her with it in your inventory and you’ll complete the Lost Lute side quest.
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