Path Of Exile 2: How To Get Regal Orbs

Path of Exile 2 features a wide variety of small items that can make a huge impact on your character. From Orbs of Augmentation to runes for every element, these items provide small or large buffs to different aspects of your gear. Of course, the best way to upgrade your gear is to simply increase its rarity. Orbs of Transmutation allow you to change a normal item into a magic item, which is what you’ll do with some gear pieces at the start of Path of Exile 2. However, once you get into the mid and late-game, you’ll want to use Regal Orbs, changing your magic items into rare items.
How to find Regal Orbs in Path of Exile 2
There are two ways to acquire a Regal Orb in Path of Exile 2. The first is the most straightforward method: Loot it from an enemy or chest. Like all other items in the game, Regal Orbs have the chance to drop as loot after you kill an enemy or boss, or when you loot a chest.
As Regal Orbs are quite rare to come across, you have the best odds to loot one after killing a boss. More specifically, the story bosses in Path of Exile 2 offer the greatest chance to drop a Regal Orb, along with Uncut Skill Gems and Uncut Spirit Gems. However, your odds still aren’t great, as Regal Orbs are more commonly acquired through another method.
The second way to add a Regal Orb to your inventory is to obtain a stack of 10 Regal Shards. Regal Shards are a far likelier drop than Regal Orbs, but that’s because they’re not useful by themselves. You need a stack of 10 Regal Shards to create a Regal Orb, which happens automatically in your inventory if you have all 10 shards present. Regal Shards are acquired the same way as Regal Orbs, so look for them as drops on enemies’ bodies and after opening a chest.
While you’re more likely to find a Regal Shard than a full orb, don’t expect to start piling up shards until you reach Act 3. Even then, I’ve only been able to find five Regal Shards in my time so far, and I’m on Act 2 in Cruel difficulty. Mind you, this is on top of finding two full Regal Orbs.
How to use Regal Orbs
If you happen to find 10 Regal Shards or a Regal Orb, using it is quite simple. All you have to do is go into your inventory, select the orb, and then find a magic item you want to upgrade. Magic items are the blue pieces of gear while rare items are the yellow pieces of gear.
Once you find a blue piece of gear to upgrade, select the item while still having the Regal Orb selected and the item will change colors. Rare items in Path of Exile 2 can be equipped with more modifiers and have higher stats, so upgrading a weapon that fits your build or a strong gear piece is the recommended route with Regal Orbs.
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