Pokemon Go Community Day Ticket Prices Increased For January Event

Each month, Pokemon Go players take part in the mobile game’s Community Day: A recurring monthly event in which one Pokemon takes center stage and becomes available to catch in its Shiny form. January’s Community Day Pokemon is Sprigatito, but players who want to get their hands on this grassy feline familiar will find themselves paying double the cost of past Community Day events.
Previously, a Community Day Ticket was available to purchase in-game for just $1, but as of this month, that price is doubling to $2. The ticket does include a new reward (a battle pass), but Pokemon Go battle passes can often be found in bundled pairs that cost less.
Other changes have been made to Community Day as well, but Pokemon Go developer Niantic says these changes may not be permanent.
“Starting with January Community Day, get ready to experience new free Timed Research, paid Special Research, and rare Field Research as you search for the featured Pokémon with Season-exclusive Special Backgrounds in Pokemon GO: Dual Destiny,” reads an official blog post detailing January Community Day. “We’re trying out new things for Community Day and will reevaluate these changes for next season and onward.”
It’s unclear if the Community Day Ticket price will be included among the changes Niantic may reevaluate in the future.
The January Community Day event is scheduled for Sunday, January 5 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM local time. For more information on Community Day, catching Sprigatito, and the game’s other upcoming activities, check out our guide to Pokemon Go’s January 2025 events.
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