The Sims 1 Cheats: All Codes For Legacy Edition

It’s been 25 years since Maxis first introduced us to The Sims and began wasting so, so much of our time. EA, not too surprisingly, has taken advantage of this major anniversary to re-release both The Sims and The Sims 2, with all DLC included and the games updated for modern computers. And as you take this dose of nostalgia, you may find yourself looking for some cheats to help you reacquaint yourself with the original classic.
We’ve got you covered. Since this re-release of The Sims 1 is just that–an updated version of the existing game, rather than a remake or remaster–not much has changed about how cheating works in the original Sims title. You don’t have to mess with game files or command lines or anything like that. You simply fire up the game, and once you’re in it, press ctrl+shft+C to pull up the console where you can enter codes–and then enter a code.
These days, in The Sims 4, we’ve got a metric ton of cheats of all kinds, but The Sims 1 was simpler. While the original game has a pretty massive pile of codes that will do under-the-hood technical stuff, there are only a relatively small number of useful cheats. And at least one of them does something completely different than you’d probably expect. Let’s dive in.
Cheat code | Effect |
rosebud | 1,000 simoleons |
set_hour [1-24] | Set time of day, using a 24-hour clock. So, 5 for 5am, and 17 for 5pm. |
autonomy [1-100] | Set sim autonomy–the higher the number, the more they’ll do what they want |
sim_speed [1-1000] | Set the speed of Live Mode–800 is default |
interests | Shows what the selected sim is into |
freeall | All build items are free |
visitor_control | Allows you to command other sims on the current lot |
move_objects on | Allows you to pick up and move any item on the current lot |
There are three things worth noting about this list. First: While the rosebud cheat isn’t worth much, you can add to it by adding “;!” on the end–each instance of “;!” you add on the end repeats the cheat. So if you add nine of them, like “rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!,” you’ll receive 10,000 simoleons instead of 1,000.
Second: As you might have guessed from the description, the “move_objects” cheat in The Sims 1 is not the same “ignore collisions in build mode” command that it is in The Sims 4. Here, this command only allows you to pick up any item and move it or delete it–it’s a totally different concept.
And, lastly: The Sims 1 doesn’t have any cheat code that will instantly fill your sim’s needs. So don’t bother scouring the list over and over looking for it. There simply isn’t a code for that in the first game.
With that, you should be set to dive headfirst into The Sims 1, whether you’re coming back to an old fave or trying it out for the first time. If you have use for them, we also have our list of all The Sims 2 cheats.
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