George R.R. Martin Reveals Another Unmade Game Of Thrones Spin-off Series

Game of Thrones debuted 13 years ago, and HBO is still mining it for spin-offs, the most notable being House of the Dragonand the upcoming A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series. Now, George R.R. Martin, the novelist who created this fantasy world, has shared a few details about an abandoned Game of Thrones spin-off that he would like to revisit.
On his blog, Martin wrote about his recent trip to Amsterdam and how the country inspired his fictional country, Braavos, in the Song of Ice and Fire novels. Martin then casually dropped the reveal about the potential show about Braavos.
“One of these days I need to write that story about Braavos we were developing for HBO,” noted Martin. “They shelved that one a couple of years back, alas, but that does not mean I won’t go back to it… after Winds of Winter is done, of course.”
In Game of Thrones, Braavos is the home of the Faceless Men who trained Arya Stark to become an assassin and a master of disguise. She spent an extended period there before returning to Westeros to get her revenge. But there’s still a lot to be learned about Braavos in potential prequels or sequels.
As for The Winds of Winter, that is the sixth novel in Martin’s storyline that inspired the Game of Thrones TV show. Martin has been working on it since at least 2011, but the book still doesn’t have a release date in sight.
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