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Prey 1.12.0 – Anti-Theft solution

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Prey 1.12.0 – Anti-Theft solution

Prey 1.12.0 – Anti-Theft solution
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Prey lets you keep track and find your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing – easily and all in one place. This lightweight, open source software gives you full and remote control, 24/7.

You can quickly find out what the thief looks like, what he’s doing on your device and actually where he’s hiding by using GPS or WiFi geopositioning. It’s payback time.

How it works: Basically you install a tiny agent in your PC or phone, which silently waits for a remote signal to wake up and work its magic.

This signal is sent either from the Internet or through an SMS message. And it allows you to gather information regarding the device’s location, hardware and network status, and optionally trigger specific actions on it.

You can quickly find out where your computer is located, who’s using it, and what he’s doing on it thanks to Prey’s powerful reports system. By marking your device as missing, Prey will gather all the evidence you request and send it either to your Control Panel account or directly to your mailbox, depending on the reporting method you choose.

Besides gathering information, you can also trigger actions remotely. Such as sounding a loud alarm or showing a message which will appear onscreen. Just in case you want the guy to know he’s being chased at. You can also wipe your stored passwords for security, or even lock down your PC to prevent access. In other words, you’re in control.

Prey Features:

  • 100% geolocation aware. Prey uses either the device’s GPS or the nearest WiFi hotspots to triangulate and grab a fix on its location. It’s shockingly accurate.
  • Wifi autoconnect. If enabled, Prey will attempt to hook onto to the nearest open WiFi hotspot when no Internet connection is found.
  • Light as a feather. Prey has very few dependencies and doesn’t even leave a memory footprint until activated. We care as much as you do.
  • Know your enemy. Take a picture of the thief with your laptop’s webcam so you know what he looks like and where he’s hiding. Powerful evidence.
  • Watch their movements. Grab a screenshot of the active session. If you’re lucky you may catch the guy logged into his email or Facebook account!
  • Keep your data safe. Hide your Outlook or Thunderbird data and optionally remove your stored passwords, so no one will be able to look into your stuff.
  • No unauthorized access. Fully lock down your PC, making it unusable unless a specific password is entered. The guy won’t be able to do a thing!
  • Scan your hardware. Get a complete list of your PC’s CPU, motherboard, RAM, and BIOS information. Works great when used with Active Mode.
  • Full auto updater. Prey can check its current version and automagically fetch and update itself, so you don’t need to manually reinstall each time.

Changes in Version 1.12.0:

  • New way to use the configuration. Prey.conf file is no longer needed since all the config data is stored in the sqlite database.
  • Adds Winsvc 2.0.17 and a new version of Fenix binary.
  • Improvement in check device type (laptop, desktop) on Windows.
  • Checks Killswitch compatibility in Prey start.
  • Fixes the way Prey determinates OS architecture in MacOS.
  • Removes plugin folder from repository since Prey is not offering a different service.
  • Adds a way to test if Killswitch feature is able to run on the device.
  • Fix on heartbeatTimed function implementation for Websocket in order to solve a bug where Prey could get stuck without connection to servers.

Changes in Version 1.11.10:

  • Fix on duplicate api_key on fresh install. This removes the second api_key on default value in prey.conf.
  • Wipe feature now can receive more options from the service. This allows to configure the way wipe is going to work on the device.
  • Refactor and fix of the screen lock feature for Ubuntu client, now it works on Ubuntu with Desktop Enviroment Gnome and KDE from Prey v1.11.10.
  • Remove nircmd from app cause it was being flagged as a threat despite is not a malware.
  • Change the take picture behavior on windows. Now uses snaphot.exe first instead of prey-webcam.exe and change the name of the picture and screenshot files to reduce size of temporary files stored.

Changes in Version 1.11.9:

  • Change Prey.app functionality to make sure Prey has access to Picture and Screenshot files when device is missing and it needs to take them

Changes in Version 1.11.8:

  • New configuration data for Factory Reset in Windows. Changes task’s priority to ensure it’ll run even on multiple unexpected cases.
  • For Windows clients, Prey tries to send two different webcam pictures and there was an issue because those two tasks were interefing with each other. Now one runs after the other eliminating that error. A new screenshot software was added, now Prey’s capable to take a screenshot of all screens

Changes in Version 1.11.7:

  • For screenshots there was a limit of 1.5 MB to upload, but now it’s increased to 20 MB.
  • New wpxsvc (WinSVC) version 2.0.15. It adds a new feature to delete Fenix from Task Scheduler in Windows.
  • Fix on taking screenshot and pictures on stolen reports for Mac OS.
  • Correction for Screen Lock issue when the user has multiple virtual desktops and is not in the main desktop, now all desktops are locked succesfully on Mac OS.
  • Improvement for checking the winsvc version against the server version to upgrade for minimize further errors.
  • Fix to mitigate errors when prey-user binary periodically checks on the main service on Mac OS.

Homepage – https://www.preyproject.com

[wpcc-iframe loading=”lazy” title=”Prey Anti-Theft in a minute (and 40ish seconds)” width=”500″ height=”281″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/XWgMvZVi7FI?feature=oembed” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=””]

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