Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 1 Update Accidentally Nerfs Assault Rifles

You’re not imagining things if it feels like your favorite assault rifle in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 just isn’t packing the same punch after the Season 1 update. Developer Treyarch is actively looking into issues with the “damage range values” for the weapon type.
On X, the official Call of Duty Updates account noted that the team is investigating reports about assault rifle effectiveness, with a Trello card adding that Treyarch is “looking to return assault rifles to their intended damage range values.” A popular Reddit post yesterday wondered “what the hell” happened with assault rifles.
COD Warzone & Black Ops 6 – Season 01 Battle Pass Overview Trailer
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Yesterday, Black Ops 6 Season 1 went live with a massive file size: 74GB on Xbox and 50GB on PlayStation. The update also led to a massive list of patch notes for the game, which funnily enough, mentioned increasing effectiveness for assault rifles in Hardcore mode.
That’s not all that’s new with Season 1, either. In a pleasant surprise, Modern Warfare 3 players have seen their double XP tokens from that game get carried over to Black Ops 6. The same is true for players of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone. As for Zombies, Black Ops 6 now lets you buy Gobblegums with real money.
Earlier this week, a Black Ops 6 player revealed that they reached Prestige 1 without killing a single person in multiplayer. They’ve apparently been playing with a pacifist mindset since 2020’s Black Ops Cold War.
For more, check out GameSpot’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 multiplayer review.
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