Here’s Everything Coming In Final Fantasy XIV’s 7.1 Crossroads Update Very Soon

Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 7.1 update, Crossroads, will launch on November 12 and it features a hefty amount of new content.
The new Crossroads main scenario quest involves the Warrior of Light and their companions as they seek help the people of two worlds move forward. The game’s first raid is a crossover with Final Fantasy XI called “Echoes of Vana’diel – Jeuno: The First Walk and will allow for 24-player battle content. There’s also a new dungeon called “Yuweyawata Field Station,” a new trial called “The Minstel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden,” and a new eight-player ultimate raid called “Futures Rewritten.”
For those who fancy a challenge, Chaotic Alliance Raids will be introduced. These are harder versions of existing alliance raids. One week after the subsequent sub-patch 7.15 is released, the “Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)” raid will launch. Unreal trials are older trials scaled up to the max level, and the new one is “The Jade Stoa.”
There will also be a new update to the Hall of the Novice, a series of basic training tutorials for the game’s combat mechanics. The update will add a variety of new exercises and challenges.
Crossroads is Final Fantasy XIV’s first story patch since the Dawntrail expansion launched back in July on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. The game’s popularity has kept it online for over a decade, and its recent release on Xbox has Square Enix now considering bringing more games to Microsoft’s platform in the future.
Patch 7.1
- Main Scenario Quests – Crossroads
- New Alliance Raid – Echoes of Vana’diel – Jeuno: The First Walk
- New Dungeon – Yuweyawata Field Station
- New Trial – The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden
- New Ultimate Raid – Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) (Patch 7.11)
- Chaotic Alliance Raid – Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) (One Week after Patch 7.15)
- New Unreal Trial – The Jade Stoa (Unreal)
- Allied Society Quests – Pelupelu
- Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures (Patch 7.15)
- Custom Deliveries – Nitowikwe (Patch 7.15)
- Role Quests (Patch 7.16)
- Wachumeqimeqi Quests (Patch 7.15)
- Hall of the Novice Update
- Housing Update
- Doman Mahjong Update
- New PvP Gear
- New Mounts, Minions, and Emotes
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